January 3, 2024, Nickel Metal Electrolysis Market Report

—— January 3, 2024, Nickel Metal Electrolysis Market Trends - Baoji, Shaanxi Qianyi Tuoda Technology C

[ 信息发布:VIVIAN | 时间:2024-01-03 | 浏览:212 ]


价格说明 价格仅供参考
名称 价格范围 均价 涨跌 单位 日期
SMM 1#电解镍 127900~132200 130050 1500 元/吨 1月3日
1#金川镍 131700~132200 131950 1600 元/吨 1月3日
1#金川镍升贴水(沪镍2402合约) (升)3500~(升)3600 (升)3550 0 - 10:30
1#进口镍 127900~128400 128150 1400 元/吨 1月3日
1#进口镍升贴水(沪镍2402合约) (贴)300~(贴)200 (贴)250 -200 - 10:30
SMM电积镍 127000~127600 127300 1600 元/吨 1月3日
SMM电积镍升贴水 (贴)1200~(贴)1000 (贴)1100 0 - 10:30
镍豆 125700~126100 125900 1600 / 1月3日

Electrolytic nickel is a common form used in the production of alloys and other nickel products. The prices of nickel-based alloys and pure nickel products (such as pipes, sheets, rods, etc.) are influenced by various factors, with electrolytic nickel prices being one of them. Here are some factors that may impact the prices of these products in relation to the price of electrolytic nickel:

  1. Raw Material Costs: The price of electrolytic nickel may be influenced by raw material costs, including demand and supply for nickel ore, extraction costs, and other related expenses. This will directly affect the price of electrolytic nickel, thereby influencing the manufacturing costs of alloys and other nickel products.

  2. Market Supply and Demand: The supply and demand situation in the nickel market directly affects the price of electrolytic nickel and the prices of related products. If there is a shortage of supply or an increase in demand, the price of electrolytic nickel may rise, thus pushing up the prices of alloys and other nickel products.

  3. Production Technology and Efficiency: The production technology and efficiency in preparing electrolytic nickel can also influence its price. If the production process is more efficient, resulting in lower costs, it may help control the prices of nickel-based alloys and pure nickel products.

  4. International Economic and Political Factors: International economic and political factors, such as trade policies, exchange rate fluctuations, geopolitical tensions, etc., may impact the price of electrolytic nickel, thereby further influencing the prices of nickel products.

  5. Industry Demand: The demand for nickel-based alloys and pure nickel products is a crucial factor. The industry's level of demand for these products directly affects the prices.

Overall, the impact of electrolytic nickel prices on nickel-based alloys and pure nickel product prices is complex and multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive consideration of multiple factors. Investors, manufacturers, and other relevant industry participants need to closely monitor changes in these factors to better predict and understand market dynamics.