What are the composition and physical properties of INCONEL 690?

[ 信息发布:本站 | 时间:2024-03-12 | 浏览:140 ]

What are the composition and physical properties of INCONEL 690?

INCONEL 690 is a high-nickel alloy renowned for its exceptional resistance to corrosion, particularly in aggressive environments such as oxidizing acids and high-temperature gases. Let's delve into its composition and physical properties:


  • INCONEL 690 primarily consists of nickel (Ni), with a content typically ranging from around 58% to 74%. Nickel serves as the primary component, imparting high strength and corrosion resistance to the alloy.
  • Chromium (Cr) is another essential element in INCONEL 690, typically composing approximately 27-31% of the alloy. Chromium contributes significantly to the alloy's resistance to oxidation and corrosion, particularly in high-temperature environments.
  • Iron (Fe) is present in INCONEL 690, generally accounting for less than 7% of the alloy composition. Iron enhances the mechanical properties and solid-solution strengthening of the alloy.
  • Other minor elements in INCONEL 690 include manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), carbon (C), sulfur (S), and aluminum (Al), each contributing to specific properties and characteristics of the alloy.

Physical Properties:

  1. High Temperature Strength: INCONEL 690 exhibits excellent mechanical strength at elevated temperatures, making it suitable for applications in high-temperature environments such as heat exchangers, furnace components, and petrochemical processing equipment. Its high-temperature strength enables it to maintain structural integrity and resist deformation under thermal stress.

  2. Corrosion Resistance: One of the standout features of INCONEL 690 is its exceptional corrosion resistance, particularly in harsh and corrosive environments. It demonstrates excellent resistance to oxidation, sulfidation, carburization, and other forms of high-temperature corrosion. This corrosion resistance makes it ideal for applications in chemical processing, thermal processing, and power generation industries.

  3. Creep Resistance: INCONEL 690 exhibits good creep resistance, allowing it to withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures without significant deformation. Its ability to maintain dimensional stability under long-term stress at elevated temperatures enhances its suitability for use in critical components subjected to continuous loading.

  4. Thermal Expansion: Like most nickel-based alloys, INCONEL 690 possesses a relatively low coefficient of thermal expansion. This property ensures dimensional stability and compatibility with other materials in high-temperature applications, reducing the risk of thermal stress-induced failures.

  5. Magnetic Properties: INCONEL 690 exhibits paramagnetic behavior, meaning it is weakly attracted to magnetic fields. This property is advantageous in applications where magnetic interference must be minimized, such as in electronic devices and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment.

INCONEL 690 is a high-performance alloy characterized by its excellent corrosion resistance, high-temperature strength, creep resistance, and thermal stability. Its composition, primarily comprising nickel and chromium, imparts superior resistance to oxidation and corrosion in aggressive environments. With its remarkable physical properties, INCONEL 690 finds wide application in industries such as chemical processing, thermal processing, power generation, and aerospace, where reliability and performance in demanding environments are paramount.

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